
Nicolas was born in 1980 of a Polish mother and a French father. He grew up between a council estate in a small industrial champagne town and a small village in Lorraine. Since 1987, he has spent most of his summer holidays in the seaports of the Trojmiasto, North Poland. Ever since the 1990’s he has been involved in projects in and around music. He has played in various bands and taken part in the organization of concerts, festivals, musical tours. He has also produced album covers and other visuals for various bands: punk, hardcore, metal, rap, noise etc., and been involved in the world of skateboarding. In 1999 he co-founded a collective "DIY" record label, Chanmax Records.

With a degree of the University of Nancy (France) in Multimedia studies in 2000, he started an international career as cross-disciplinary designer which was rewarded by several awards at international design events for projects in digital media, interior architecture, interactive installation and communication. Since 2010 he has re-focussed his activities as design adviser and become a Digital Conceptual Artist and Advanced Interaction Designer for interactive installation projects and futurist concept cars or series models in the car industry.
He has also taken part in the creation of HMI for world famous brands.

In 1999, alongside with his studies, he started to experiment and has trained in various artistic techniques. Until 2004, he worked with collages and spray paint together with other artistic media before turning to Pop Trash style and socially orientated visuals. He has been influenced by the covers of metal, punk, hip-hop and jazz albums together with the work of photographers like Goldin, Clark and Klein or the esthetism of graffiti and tattoos.

He moved to Berlin in 2005. Between 2006 and 2008 he was in residence at the Schmilblik Atelier where his work increased and where he came to use bigger formats. This was also the time when he gave up acrylic painting and turned to oil painting.

Contrary to his research work in design which is precise, technical and minimalist in style, his paintings have a very expressionist turn. Moebius, Baselitz, De Kooning, Heisig, Die Brücke and Munch works had a huge impact on his art.

ALL WORKS © Nicolas Argenton.